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1769 Home-Based Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation (TES) to Treat Children with Slow-Transit Constipation (STC): Safe (Satisfaction, Feasibility & Efficacy) Study
  1. YI Yik1,2,3,
  2. JM Hutson2,3,4,
  3. BR Southwell3
  1. 1Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  2. 2Department of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne
  3. 3Gut Motility and Research Laboratory, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute
  4. 4Department of Urology, Royal Childrens Hospital Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia


Background /aims: Home-based transcutaneous electrical stimulation (TES) is a novel therapy for children with slow-transit constipation (STC). TES has evolved from a clinic-based to home-based therapy. We aimed to assess the end-users’ responses and views to TES.

Methods TES was self-administered via adhesive electrodes on the abdomen and back (quadripolar stimulation), 60 mins/day for 6 months. Forty STC children/families were assessed by questionnaires (Ethics 30116A) for: rating of the treatment; time consumption; daily routine disruption; feasibility of delivery; symptom improvement, laxatives used; willingness to recommend TES to others and their views on the current device.

Results Thirty-six/40 STC children/families responded (20 males, ages: 3–18 yrs, mean:9 yrs). Symptom improvement developed in 69% (17% in < 3 months, 33% 3–6 months and 19% >6 months). Forty-seven percent of children reduced laxative use with 19% unchanged and 33% unsure about the effect. Seventy-five percent rated the treatment good, while 17% were unsure about this new treatment. Ninety-seven percent would recommend TES to other children with chronic constipation and 67% would purchase a machine for booster treatment if required. All families found the instructions of home TES clear and useful. Problems with use included pad adhesiveness (61%), wire connections (11%) or both (11%). All felt home TES was safe and most had minor disruptions to family routines (parents 6% vs child 28%).

Conclusions This study confirms that home-based TES was safe and well accepted by STC children/families with symptom improvement in 2/3 of these children. There were difficulties with existing device that may be overcome by training.

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