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1762 Current Resuscitation Practices among Pediatricians in Gujarat, India - Effect of 2010 Resuscitation Guidelines
  1. AS Nimbalkar1,
  2. SC Bansal1,
  3. DV Patel1,
  4. AR Sethi1,
  5. SM Nimbalkar1,2
  1. 1Department of Pediatrics, Pramukhswami Medical College
  2. 2Central Research Services, Charutar Arogya Mandal, Anand, India


Background and Aims Neonatal Resuscitation Guidelines are updated by international societies every five years. India does not have mandatory certification and hence many pediatricians may not change their practices which may be in variance with current guidelines. We aimed to see the acceptance and awareness of several recently incorporated practices in resuscitation.

Methods Questionnaire based cross-sectional study administered by a web based form the link of which was sent by email and/or social networking sites to 600 pediatricians in state of Gujarat. A total of 25 questions were asked requiring about 10 minutes of the respondents time.

Results 75 pediatricians responded with 62 usable questionnaires. About 83% participants worked in a Level 2/3 NICU. 64% had resuscitated more than 20 neonates and 78% had attended more than 100 deliveries. Hence respondents were attending deliveries and required skills in resuscitation. 81.3% used bag and mask with only 33.3% using room air for resuscitation. 58.5% were using correct rate of ventilation. 76% had saturation monitors but only 17.2% had oxygen blenders. 31.7% approved of self inflating bag for free flow oxygen. 50% judged adequacy of ventilation by chest rise against 41.9% who used rising heart rate. Only about 50% pediatricians had undergone a training course in past 3 years. 41.7% believed in immediate cord cutting for normal deliveries. Only 32.3% responded correctly on the duration of resuscitation for asystole.

Conclusions The knowledge of pediatricians regarding resuscitation of neonates is poor. Only few pediatricians update themselves by attending courses.

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