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1737 Epidemiological Aspects of Streptococcal Pharyngeal Infections in Pediatric Population
  1. S Iurian1,
  2. L Bera2,
  3. SI Iurian3,
  4. M Mihut1,
  5. ML Neamtu3,
  6. A Muntean4
  1. 1Clinical Laboratory, Pediatric Hospital
  2. 2Statistics Department, Faculty of Medicine, ‘Lucian Blaga’ University
  3. 3Research Department, Pediatric Clinic, ‘Lucian Blaga’ University
  4. 4Pediatric Clinic, Sibiu, Romania


Background During last 5 years, we noticed an increasing incidence of scarlet fever and streptococcal pharyngitis in our county.


  1. To appreciate the positive results rate for beta-hemolytic pyogenic streptococci in throat specimens (group A streptococci- gAs, group C- gCs, group G- gGs);

  2. To evaluate ratio of each streptococcal group pharyngeal infection;

  3. To establish correlation between streptococcal infections and diseases that justified throat cultures.

Methods Authors designed a retrospective epidemiological study, analyzing microbiology department data during 14 months period. Inclusion criteria: hospitalized and ambulatory care children aged between 2–18 years (scarlet fever diagnosis, pharyngitis diagnosis, healthy children requesting throat exam). Exclusion criteria: children up to 2 years of age. In order to identify streptococci, authors used Columbia agar with 5% sheep blood, Bacitracin inhibition tests, latex agglutination. Data was statistically analyzed using likelihood ratio.

Results Among 6653 throat cultures, 497 isolates (7.47%) were positive. Ratio for each streptococci group was: group A –88.0%, group C –6.2%, group G –5.8%. Seasonal incidence: higher incidence was reported in February and lower incidence in August. Regarding correlation between patient diagnosis and identified streptococci group in throat specimens (p value =0.000): 112 scarlet fever patients (111 gAs, 1 gGs), 264 pharyngitis patients (234 gAs, 13 gCs, 17 gGs), 121 healthy children (93 gAs, 18 gCs, 10 gGs). Last mentioned patients mean pyogenic streptococci carriers (24.34%).

Conclusions Carriers represents the “infection pool” for community children, maintaining persistence of source infection and explaining diminished efficacy of epidemiological measures and infection outbreaks in pediatric population.

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