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1735 Results of Children and Adults Allergy Testing using the Fast Allergy Test (Fast Chek POC)
  1. E Karabeg1,
  2. E Karabeg1,
  3. A Karabeg2
  1. 1Joint Praxis ‘Dr Karabeg’, Sanski Most, Bosnia-Herzegovina
  2. 2School of Medicine, Medical University, Maribor, Slovenia


Purpose Analyse the results of allergy testing based on age and gender of patients, frequency of the testing:the inhalation- and nutritional allergy in vitro tests.

Methods 230 persons: 141 (60.87 %) - children, adults 89 (38.69%); from 1 to 70 years old, 108 - males (46.95%) and 122 females (53.04%).

Results All patients had some of allergy clinical symptoms: allergic rhinitis, asthma, allergic dermatitis ...

Testing the adults: females 69.66%, males 30.33%; the children: girls 42.55%, boys 57.44%.

The inhalation allergy: in children - 82.26%, in adults 72.22% while the nutritive allergy was in children 17.73% and 27.77% in adults.

Inhalation allergy: male children 48.22%, adults 23.59%, female children 34.04%, adults 50.56%.

Nutritional allergy: male children 9.21%, adults 7.86%, female children 8.51%, adults 20.22%.

Frequency of the inhalation allergy: male 48.90% and female 51.09%; and the nutritional allergy: male 40%, female 60%.

The children: Ambrosija 40.42%, Alternaria 36.17%, house dust 31.91%, Cladosporium 21.98%, Hasel pollen 19.14%;

In adults: house dust 39.32%, Ambrozija 34.83%, Alternaria 31.46%, Cladosporium 22.47%, Hasel pollen 21.34%.

Nutritive reagents in children: fish 4.25 %, carrot 3.54%, celery 3.54%, wheat flour 2.83 and in adults wheat flour 8.98%, meat 7.86%, fish 4.49%, soybean 4.49%.

Conclusion It was significantly greater need for conducting of allergy tests in children then in adults (61.3% versus 38.69%). The inhalation alergenes 78.69 % - nutritive alergenes 21.31% .

The nutritive allergies e often in female population.

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