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1605 Nodular Fasciitis in the Pediatrics Population: A Single Center Experience
  1. TK Pandian,
  2. MM Zeidan,
  3. KA Ibrahim,
  4. AE Zarroug
  1. Division of Pediatric Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA


Background and Aims We aim to describe our experience with nodular fasciitis in the pediatric population, in an attempt to contribute additional information concerning clinical outcomes and management recommendations.

Methods We performed a twenty-year retrospective chart review of patients ≤ 18 years diagnosed with nodular fasciitis at a single, large, academic institution.

Results Five patients were treated for nodular fasciitis during the study period. The majority 3 (60%) were male. All presented with rapidly enlarging masses that were excised surgically and 4 (80%) of them had no signs of recurrence (one patient was lost to follow-up). The median age at presentation was 14 years. Most 3 (60%) lesions were located in the upper extremities and 4 (80%) had no related symptomatology or disability. All lesions were less than 3-centimeters in greatest dimension- Table 1 for Tumor Characteristics. Pathologic and immunohistochemical data was lacking in our cohort.

Abstract 1605 Table 1

Tumor Characteristics

Conclusion The characteristics of nodular fasciitis in children at our institution are slightly different than that which has been reported thus far. Due to variability in clinical presentation and histologic findings, additional studies are necessary to provide more practical, consistent and effective management strategies.

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