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1559 Button Battery Injuries Lodged in the Esophagus, the Evolving Danger
  1. M Cevik,
  2. ME Boleken
  1. Pediatric Surgery, Harran University, Medical Faculty, Sanliurfa, Turkey


Background and Aim Button battery (BB) ingestion is potentially a life-threatening condition for children and has increased continuously in recent years. BBs lodged in the esophagus may cause serious complications and even death. The aim of the present study was to compare the relevant studies in the literature to our results of cases in which a BB was lodged in the esophagus.

Methods The present study retrospectively analyzed 16 patients who ingested BBs that lodged in the esophagus. Data were collected from medical charts at the pediatric surgery department during 2007–2011. Ten male (62.5%) and six female patients aged 2–99 months (mean age ± SD, 34.81±25.23 months) were evaluated. Cases were studied for time and location of the battery in the esophagus, presenting symptoms, diagnostic evaluation, complications, and outcomes.

Results Children who ingested BBs were all < 6 years of age (14) (87.4%). The most common clinical complaint of the patients was history of swallowing and diysphagia. Eight patients suffered from corrosion at different stages, 2 had an eosophageal perforation and tracheoesophageal fistula. Two patients were death releated complication of BB ingestion. Nine (56.3%) patients had BB ingestion history before admission to the clinic. All BBs were from toys and were lithium BBs of >15 mm circumference.

Conclusions BB ingestion is an important condition in children. An endoscopic examination and removal must be performed urgently for a BB lodged in the esophagus.

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