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1523 Scalp Acupuncture Therapy of Children with Autism
  1. Z Liu
  1. Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation Centre of Nanhai Hospital for Women and Children, Affiliated to Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine Guangdong China, Foshan, China


Objective Assessing the efficacy scalp acupuncture therapy for autism of children.

Methods We selected the 70 cases of autism children followed the random number method to divide the cases scalp acupuncture therapy group (30 cases) and structured control group (40 cases). The treated group with activating brain and opening orifices scalp acupuncture therapy, nordoff-robbins therapy and structured teaching, the control group with Nordoff-Robbins therapy and. We used the Clancy Autism Behavior Scale, Childhood Autism Behavior Scale, Autism Behavior Checklist, Gesell Development scale to assess the result before and after treatment, and adopted the blind method to evaluate the results.


  1. In the same treatment time, the therapy group is better than the control group.

  2. Comparing among the treatment group, the older group and younger group, there have significant difference in ABC score, CARS score and social adjustment score.

The result cues that the improvement of autism-like after with the treatment of activating brain and opening orifices scalp acupuncture therapy, no matter age.3. Compared before and after treatment in therapy group, there have significant difference in Language score. The result cues that activating brain and opening orifices scalp acupuncture therapy can significantly improve language function in autism children.

Conclusions Activating brain and opening orifices scalp acupuncture therapy can significantly improve the therapeutic effect, be better to improve the autism-like of children and raise the IQ level and language ability.

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