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491 Parameters of Immune System Disregulation during Herpes Simplex Virus Infection in Childhood
  1. SM Hristina1,
  2. L Saranac2,
  3. B Kamenov1,
  4. T Stankovic1,
  5. Z Djuric3,
  6. L Brankovic4,
  7. R Milicevic4
  1. 1Immunology, Allergy and Genetic
  2. 2Endocrinology
  3. 3Gastroenterology
  4. 4Molecular Medicine-Laboratory, Clinic of Pediatric, Medical University, Nis, Serbia


Introduction An important characteristic of the herpes simplex viruse, is their ability to persist in the tissues of their hosts for many years after initial infection as intracellular viruses. Characteristic life of virus (hronic persistent and ciclic replication) in organisms is often followed by immune dysregulation.

Materials and methods: Clinically manifestations in patients with herpesvirus infections were examined. We analysed: white blood cell count, hemoglobin level, serum immunoglobulins level, enzymes of cell destruction, oxidative metabolism of the peripherial blood phagocytes as ability of NBT reduction, serum level of IFN-γ IL-4 and DHEAS, cortisol were mesured by ELISA test.

Results Our patients had and all of them had positive ELISA test on viruse-HSV. Our parameters approved low level of hemoglobin, monocytosis, lymphocytosis, virocytosis and leukopenia. Our patients had high level LDH, CPK, low ability of NBT reduction. High levels of IFNγ followed high levels of LDH, CPK, GOT and GPT.

Conclusion Chronic activation of immune system is background of patogenetic mechanisms during herpes simplex virus infection. Different level of DHEAS and cortisol are part of regulatory mechanisms of immune response across endocryne system. Increase levels of DHEAS in our patients can display chronic inflammation. Absence of increase level of cortisol may suggestion that our patients had a little “acute” fase of infection opposite a lot of chronic disorders. Analyse of immunoregulatory mechanisms is essential to order level and place of damage cells, tissue and organs. It is important for therapy and prognosis of disease.

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