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Images in paediatrics
‘Gastric bronchus’ associated with a congenital bronchopulmonary malformation
  1. Thangamadhan Bosemani,
  2. Jane Benson
  1. Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
  1. Correspondence to Thangamadhan Bosemani, Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 600 N Wolfe Street, Nelson B 173, Baltimore, Maryland, USA; tbosema1{at}

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A 2-month-old girl with bladder extrophy had undergone multiple pelvic surgeries since birth. Persistent right lung opacity was noted on serial chest radiographs, which were performed as a part of continued recovery from pelvic surgery. No specific signs or symptoms of respiratory distress were present. Apart from the bladder extrophy, other congenital malformations, such as horse-shoe kidneys and …

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