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Rehydration methods in gastroenteritis—changing culture and maintaining change
  1. J Fox1,
  2. S Richards1,
  3. H Jenkins2,
  4. C Powell3
  1. 1General Paediatrics, Children's Hospital for Wales, Cardiff, Wales, UK
  2. 2Gastroenterology and General Paediatrics, Children's Hospital for Wales, Cardiff, Wales, UK
  3. 3Child Health, School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK


Background Despite evidence supporting the use of nasogastric fluid rehydration in gastroenteritis, repeat audits in our unit from 1999 to 2002 demonstrated that the intravenous rehydration (IVR) rate was 15–20%. From 2002, nursing and medical staff attended regular teaching sessions including workshops to promote the clinical guidelines. An audit in 2003 demonstrated a reduction of IVR use to 4% and an increase in nasogastric rehydration (NGR) use from 0% to 39%.

Aims To establish in 2009, whether the reduction in IVR in 2003 was maintained in the absence of further targeted education.

Methods A retrospective audit of a random selection of notes from over one year of children below 5 years of age with gastroenteritis to examine their clinical hydration state and method of rehydration.


Conclusion The percentage of clinically dehydrated patients remained similar between 2002 and 2009. The reduction in IVR from 1999 to 2003 has been maintained in 2009 without continued targeted education.

Abstrat G84 Table 1

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