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The role of paediatric team assistants in enabling junior medical staff to focus on clinical and educational tasks
  1. RB Roy,
  2. M Watson
  1. Department of Paediatrics, St Mary's Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK


Aims To evaluate the impact on time spent by junior doctors on administrative tasks before and after the introduction of a new paediatric team assistant

Methods Junior doctors completed a proforma documenting time spent on administrative duties over the course of a standard shift. The nature of the task was also recorded. The same proforma was distributed 1 month after the introduction of a paediatric team assistant, whose duties include assisting with administrative tasks.

Abstract G206 Table 1

Average time spent on administrative tasks before and after the deployment of a paediatric team assistant

Abstract G206 Table 2

Time spent by paediatric ST1–3 on different administrative tasks before and after paediatric team assistant deployment.


Conclusion The introduction of a paediatric team assistant led to a notable drop in the amount and proportion of time spent by junior medical staff on administrative tasks. Such a role can help optimise the training and clinical experience of junior doctors, while still ensuring compliance with the 48-h working week.

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