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  1. M A Geomini1,
  2. H Pas1,
  3. D W Roofthooft1
  1. 1Division of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics, Erasmus MC, Sophia Children’s Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands


Background Resuscitations are frequently necessary in a neonatal intensive care unit. Although frequently performed, training is inevitable to keep skills up to date. Despite the fact that resuscitation takes place regularly in our level IIIC unit individually one is exposed only rarely. Therefore we developed a training programme.

Aim To structure resuscitations on the ward. To set up a skills lab for training purposes.

Methods A structured implementation plan was developed including: Forming a peer group with eight nurses and two neonatologists. Nurses were educated to become trainers. Clinical lectures containing theoretical and practical training given by peer group members supervised by a neonatologist. A syllabus with basic and advanced life support guidelines was distributed and before the training a theoretical exam had to be taken. Retraining was obligatory each year. Unexpected scenarios on the ward. Debriefing with an evaluation form in which suggestions for improvement were written down. Setting up a skills lab: Simbaby (Laerdal) can be used manually or with computer-programmed scenarios. Video recording of the resuscitation training. Thorough debriefing after every resuscitation/scenario. Training with the complete nursing and medical staff.

Recommendations Make nurses responsible for the education and training of resuscitation skills. Make the training situation as realistic as possible. Record resuscitations on video and evaluate after. Debriefing of resuscitations. Regular educational courses involving both theoretical and practical training with the use of a Simbaby to re-enact medical emergencies with the complete nursing and medical staff.

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