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Objectives To compare the accuracy and consistency of pressures delivered to a mannequin by a 240 ml self-inflating bag (SIB), a 450 ml SIB and a T-piece resuscitator, Neopuff. To evaluate variability between and within providers, related to their expertise.
Methods 76 healthcare providers gave positive pressure ventilation (PPV) to a mannequin through a facial mask or an endotracheal tube. Three devices were studied (SIB-240 ml and SIB-450 ml, attached to a manometer and Neopuff) with and without positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) valves. Participants gave 30 s PPV using each device combination. Targets: peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) 25 cm H2O, 40 inflations/minute (on two occasions, in random order, totalling 18 recordings). The mannequin was connected to a pressure transducer whose signal was recorded on a computer. Mean and maximum PIP, mean PEEP and respiratory rate were recorded.
Results 55 000 inflations were recorded. Significant differences were found between devices. In contrast, no differences were found between the two experience levels of providers or in both attempts by the same provider.
Conclusions These results show that the maximum pressure delivered with both SIB was significantly higher than that provided with the Neopuff and the target pressure. No differences between levels of expertise were detected. The clinical implications of these findings need to be determined.