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Objective Magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) is widely used during pregnancy. Some authors emphasise that MgSO4 given antenatally could act as a neuroprotective factor in very low birth weight neonates (VLBWN). The aim of this study was the clinical assessment of VLBWN antenatally exposed to MgSO4.
Methods The differences in neonatal outcome between antenatally exposed to MgSO4 neonates (n = 78) (BBW ⩽1500 g and gestational age ⩽34 weeks) and control group (n = 293) were analysed. We also determined the serum magnesium concentrations.
Results Simultaneously with the progression in gestational age in the control group, a decline in the cord serum magnesium concentration was observed. In 27% of the newborns magnesium concentration below normal values was noticed. In the study group magnesium concentrations were statistically significantly higher: among 59% of the newborns hypermagnesaemia was observed, although in 6.8% of newborns hypomagnesaemia was still noticed. Among the newborns of the study group >1000 g there were no serious intraventricular haemorrhages, in the analogous control group this diagnosis was confirmed in 12.8% (p<0.05). In a study subgroup <1000 g, the contrary correlation was observed. In group >750 g exposition to MgSO4 was the factor which, along with an increasing BBW, gradually diminished the risk of death. In addition, a significant influence of therapy with MgSO4 on a reduced rate of bronchopulmonary dysplasia at the 28th day of life was revealed. Antenatal administration of MgSO4 caused a reduction in hospitalisation time. A significant increase in patent ductus arteriosus frequency in the group with BBW >1000 g was confirmed.
Conclusion The results obtained indicate that maternal MgSO4 administration could modulate the clinical outcome of VLBWN.
Funding: This project was funded by grant no PBZ-MEiN-/8/2/2006.