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  1. L A Scheplyagina1,
  2. I V Kruglova1
  1. 1The Laboratory of the Ecological and Preventive Pediatrics, the Federal Children Clinical Research Center of Haematology, Oncology and Immunology, Moscow, Russia


Objective The examined sample consisted of 60 children with acute respiratory infections aged from 3 to 14 years. All the children were hospitalised in the children’s infectious inpatient department. The comparison group consisted of 30 children.

Methods For the children in the main group, the medication Kipferon was prescribed as an addition to the basic therapy. The medication was applied per rectum in suppository form thrice a day as a 5-day course of treatment. The effective agent of the medication consisted of human recombinant alpha-2 interferon (500 000 IU per suppository) in combination with 60 mg of the complex immunobiological medication, which consisted of G, A and M-immunoglobulins. During case monitoring, all children from the main and comparison groups passed the overall analysis of blood including lymphocyte number calculation. The blood levels of G, A, M-immunoglobulins, alpha and beta-interferons were also investigated. The level of saliva secretory IgA was evaluated.

Results It is established that against the background of Kipferon medication implemented in suppository form, the duration of fever and intoxication symptoms decreased, the number of blood lymphocytes normalised, the quantity of serum A and M-immunoglobulins and saliva secretory IgA increased up to normality. The normalisation of the processes of interferongenesis was noted. The pathological shifts in the microflora composition of the open loci were not revealed.

Conclusions Kipferon medication is an effective remedy if applied integrally with the complex therapy of children with acute respiratory infections.

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