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  1. L Szabo1,2,
  2. B Lombay2,3,
  3. E Borbas3,
  4. G Y Reti4
  1. 1Department of Nephrology, Child Health Center, Borsod County Teaching Hospital, Miskolc, Hungary
  2. 2Institute of Health Science, University of Miskolc, Miskolc, Hungary
  3. 3Department of Diagnostic Imaging
  4. 4Department of Surgery


Objective To reveal the function and morphological anomalies together are very important and the videourodynamics (VUD) combined with conventional voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) seemed to be the most appropriate method.

Materials and Methods During an 18-year study period (January 1990 to December 2007) 712 children (ages ranging between 5 days and 20 years) prospectively underwent VUD to further define their urinary tract abnormalities. The selection criteria included a history of recurrent urinary tract infections (UTI) in 528 patients (pts) (74%), urinary tract dilatation without UTI in 50 pts (7%), suspected neurogenic bladder dysfunction in 71 pts (10%), and voiding difficulties in 64 pts (9%). VUD consists of cystometry (CM), which is the measurement of detrusor pressure during controlled bladder filling and subsequent voiding which was combined with VCUG using X-ray contrast material.

Results The VUD diagnosis was of normal bladder function in 64 (9%), vesico-ureteric reflux (VUR) in 306 (43%), unstable bladder dysfunction in 221 (31%), neurogenic bladder dysfunction in 50 (7%), urine outflow obstruction in 21 (3%), wide bladder neck in 28 (4%), vaginal reflux in 14 (2%), and neurogenic bladder dysfunction was excluded in 7 (1%).

Conclusion VUD is a useful technique for a complex investigation of the lower urinary tract function and X-ray morphology. The advantage of these studies is that they combine the objectivity of urodynamics with the visual radiographic image which uses lower radiation doses, and makes for a far more logical interpretation of the results.

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