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  1. N Adamia1,
  2. M Kherkheulide2,
  3. L Jorjoliani3,
  4. N Katamadze3,
  5. E Kandelaki2,
  6. N Kavlashvili2,
  7. K Barabadze3,
  8. M Tsereteli2,
  9. A Tsanava2,
  10. T Tsereteli2,
  11. M Tskalobashvili2
  1. 1Institute of Pediatrics, Murman Iashvili Pediatrics Clinic, Tbilisi State Medical University, Tbilisi, Georgia
  2. 2Murman Iashvili Pediatrics Clinic, Tbilisi State Medical University, Tbilisi, Georgia
  3. 3Institute of Pediatrics, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia


Goal of our research was allergic rhinitis AR epidemiological study in schoolchildren population of Tbilisi and Western Georgia Region 2007.

Materials and Methods Research was conducted through questioning of the random and representative groups of population, by epidemical research crosssection method. Schools and groups for study were selected by simple random method.

First stage of research covered 5569 children 53.7 boys and 46.3 girls from 6 to 16. We divided population into younger 6 to 1049 and older 11 to 1651 groups. At second stage of research part of childrens population who gave positive answers to the questionnaire, with signs of AR for last one year period was subject to clinicallergic study.

Statistical data processing was provided by software package SPSSv12.

Research results During one year, according to questioning, repeated sneezing episodes were identified in 13.2 57.1 younger group 42.9 elder group. Nose pruritus was indicated in 15.7 41.7 elder group 58.3 in younger group. Rhinorrhea was stated in 16.4, mostly among older schoolchildren 76.2. Nasal obstruction was identified in 15.9 of respondents, with high frequency in younger schoolchildren 71.3. Epiphora and eye pruritus was indicated in 5.7.

Spread of the symptoms of AR was reliably higher among boys p0.05 compared with the girls.

Thus, through questioning and anamnesis data a spread of AR in the childrens population was shown 14.1 in Tbilisi, 15.3 Adjarian Region, Batumi, 7.8 Kutaisi and 4.3 Chokhatauri.

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