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  1. S M Stoicescu1,
  2. D Broscauncianu2,
  3. A M Dogaru2,
  4. C Ochiana2,
  5. C Voicila2
  1. 1University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania
  2. 2Institute of Mother and Child Care, Hospital, Romania


Neonatal mortality rate is an important indicator of newborn care in NICU.

Objectives neonatal mortality rate analisys in NICU, in two different years (10 years interval)

Methods a retrospective study of early and late neonatal mortality rate in 1997 (2750 newborns) and 2007 (3850 newborns). Epi Info program was used for data analisys

Results Neonatal mortality rate was 14.9% in 1997 and 14.4% in 2007. Early neonatal mortality rate was in 1997 78%, and late neonatal mortality was in 2007 52.7%. At the same time mortality rate was higher for prematures both in 1997 and 2007. Prematurity rate was higher in 2007 than 1997. The principal risk factor was perinatal asfixia; another frequent cause of death was congenital malformations.

Conclusions In Polizu, Bucharest, our maternity staff are caring for high risk newborns delivered here or transfered from other maternity wards. The neonatal mortality rate was not significantly decreased, but for the newborns delivered in our maternity unit the mortality rate decresed from 12.3% to 9%. At the same time the number of ILBW and ELBW increased. The increase of ELBW and immaturity can explain the value of the indicator.

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