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  1. S I Iurian1,
  2. S Iurian2,
  3. E Tabara2,
  4. M Talos2,
  5. B Neamtu1,
  6. A Vidrighin1
  1. 1Pediatric Clinic, Pediatric Hospital, Sibiu, Romania
  2. 2Clinical Laboratory, Pediatric Hospital, Sibiu, Romania


Objectives To evaluate, from the etiological perspective, the incidence of intestinal parasites in fecal material among children using direct wet mount microscopic examination. The direct examination of the stool is beneficial to assess the worm burden of a child and provides a quick diagnosis.

Methods 708 parasitological stool exams were performed in a paediatric clinic laboratory during a 3 month period using direct wet mount microscopic examination in Lugol’s iodine (1 gram iodine, 2 grams potassium iodide, 100 ml distilled water). The examinations were performed by the same investigator using optic microscopy under ×100 and ×400 magnification.

Results From 708 parazitological exams, 104 specimens (14.68%) were positive: 32 specimens of Giardia intestinalis (4.5%), 35 cases of Blastocystis hominis (4.9%), 9 specimens of Entamoeba coli (1.2%), 14 specimens of Ascaris lumbricoides (1.97%), 4 cases of Trichiuris trichiura (0.56%) and 1 specimen of Enterobius vermicularis (0.14%). 9 cases (1.27%) presented combined parasitic infections.

Conclusions 1. We have noticed the low incidence of positive specimens using direct wet mount microscopic exam; 2. Giardia intestinalis and Blastocystis hominis have almost the same prevalence; 3. The routine parasitological stool exam has revealed a low prevalence for whipworm infection (0.56%); 4. The direct wet mount is not useful for Enterobius vermicularis infection diagnosis.

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