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Resuscitate with the placental circulation intact
  1. D J R Hutchon,
  2. I Thakur
  1. Memorial Hospital, Darlington, UK
  1. David J R Hutchon, Consultant obstetrician, Memorial Hospital, Darlington, DL3 6HX, UK; DJRHutchon{at}

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Reynolds,1 in common with the majority of neonatologists and obstetricians, would be unable to keep his nerve and delay three minutes before clamping and cutting the cord to be able to proceed with resuscitation. However, maintaining a placental circulation may sometimes be all that is required as Aristotle2 observed, “Frequently the child appears to be born dead, when it is feeble and when, before the tying of the cord, a flux of blood occurs into the cord …

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