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Overtreatment in threshold and developed countries
  1. B Frey
  1. B Frey, Department of Intensive Care and Neonatology, University Children’s Hospital, CH-8032 Zurich, Switzerland; Bernhard.Frey{at}


In acute paediatrics, overtreatment and overdiagnosis is encountered in threshold and developed countries. The reason for overtreatment may be similar in the two settings, namely the mere availability of invasive procedures, which may lead to their inappropriate use. Physiological healing processes should be integrated into treatment plans and whenever possible natural organ function should be maintained (eg, enteral instead of parenteral nutrition). Standards and guidelines may assist the paediatrician in weighing up the benefits and risks of available invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Safe and simple methods, successfully introduced in countries with limited resources, are equally useful in the industrialised world, as they have the potential to reduce the application of risky invasive therapies.

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