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Should creatine kinase be checked in all boys presenting with speech delay?
  1. Claire T Lundy1,
  2. Gary M Doherty2,
  3. Elaine M Hicks2
  1. 1Department of Paediatric Neurology, Paul Ward, Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children, 180 Falls Road, Belfast BT12 6BE, UK;
  2. 2Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children, Belfast, UK

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Jack is a 2.5 year old boy. He has been referred for developmental assessment by his health visitor. His community paediatrician diagnoses speech and language delay. His mother reports he first sat independently at 9 months and walked at 17 months.

Structured clinical question

In a male child with speech delay who walks prior to 18 months old [patient], does requesting serum creatine kinase [intervention] help diagnose Duchenne muscular dystrophy with reasonable efficiency [outcome]?

Search strategy and outcome

PubMed: “Duchenne muscular dystrophy,” “speech delay”, combined with “screening” and “language”. Sixteen references were found in total.

OMIM database and specific journals: The titles and the abstracts were …

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  • Bob Phillips