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New height, weight and head circumference charts for British children with Williams syndrome
  1. N D T Martin1,
  2. W R Smith1,
  3. T J Cole2,
  4. M A Preece2
  1. 1East Kent Hospitals NHS Trust, Canterbury, Kent, UK
  2. 2UCL Institute of Child Health, London, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
    Dr Neil Martin
    Children’s Assessment Centre, Kent and Canterbury Hospital, Ethelbert Road, Canterbury CT1 3 NG, UK;neil.martin{at}


Aim: To produce a growth reference for British children with Williams syndrome.

Methods: The children and adults recruited into the study were all affiliated to the Williams Syndrome Foundation, a parent support group founded in 1979. They have all been shown to have a deletion of chromosome 7q11.23. One growth nurse (WRS) prospectively measured the weight, height and head circumference of individuals from 19 regions in Great Britain including Scotland, England and Wales. 169 children and adults were measured on up to four occasions between 2001 and 2004 (275 measurements). In addition, retrospective data were obtained from the hospital notes of 67 of these individuals (586 measurements). Centile curves were constructed using Cole’s LMS method.

Results: The centile charts differ from charts previously derived in the USA and Germany and provide more appropriate standards for the British population.

Conclusions: We propose that these charts be adopted for routine clinical practice as abnormalities in growth are an important feature of this syndrome.

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  • Published Online First 14 February 2007

  • Pharmacia and Pfizer UK provided generous financial support.

  • Competing interests: None.

  • Copies of the A4 charts and PCHR inserts are available from Harlow Printing, Maxwell Street, South Shields, Tyne and Weir NE33 4PU, UK or from the Williams Syndrome Foundation.

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    BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health