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Minimising neonatal brain injury: how research in the past five years has changed my clinical practice
  1. Malcolm Levene
  1. Correspondence to:
    Professor M Levene
    Academic Department of Paediatrics, D Floor, Clarendon Wing, University of Leeds, Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds LS2 9NS, UK;m.i.levene{at}


With improving neonatal survival for extremely premature babies, the challenge for neonatology is to improve outcome of surviving babies. This review concentrates on best evidence emerging in recent years on prevention of brain damage by early administration of drugs as well as avoidance of induced brain damage by hyperventilation and dexamethasone therapy given postnatally for chronic lung disease.

  • CLD, chronic lung disease
  • IVH, intraventricular haemorrhage
  • PaCO2, arterial carbon dioxide tension
  • PVL, periventricular leucomalacia
  • RCT, randomised controlled trial
  • TIPP, The Injury Prevention Program

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  • Competing interests: None declared.

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