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A survey of palivizumab for infants with cystic fibrosis in the UK
  1. J McCormick1,
  2. K W Southern2
  1. 1Respiratory Unit, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Yorkhill NHS Trust, Glasgow, UK
  2. 2Institute of Child Health, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
    J McCormick
    Respiratory Unit, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Yorkhill NHS Trust, Dalnair Street, Glasgow G3 8SJ, UK;jdmccormick{at}

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Palivizumab is a humanised monoclonal antibody to respiratory synctial virus (RSV) that has been advocated as a potential prophylactic treatment in at-risk infants (ex-preterm).1 Infection with RSV in cystic fibrosis may be a factor in the development of early lung disease and acquisition of bacterial pathogens. We aimed to determine the number of infants with cystic fibrosis in the UK who would be potential candidates for palivizumab prophylaxis and to quantify hospitalisation rates and mortality from RSV in this cohort. We conducted a national questionnaire study of 42 cystic fibrosis centres over the winter RSV season of 2005–6. Data were sought on patient population (number of infants born after October 2004), admissions with …

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  • Funding: JM has received financial aid from Abbott Neonatology to attend conferences in the past 5 years.

  • Competing interests: None declared.