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Commentary on the paper by Swingler et al (see page 1153)
Although pulmonary tuberculosis is now reasonably well controlled in most industrialised countries, it still is a major and even increasing medical problem from a global perspective. The World Health Organisation estimated there were 8.8 million new cases worldwide in 2002, with case numbers currently growing by 2.4% per year.1 Many problems surround the fight against tuberculosis, including the emergence of multi-drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis, compliance with treatment, and identification of new cases in order to avoid further spread of the disease. In children, who contract rather than transmit M tuberculosis, early diagnosis followed by appropriate treatment is important to reduce morbidity and mortality.2 However, the frequently non-specific symptoms of disease, interference of BCG immunisation with tuberculin skin testing, uncertainties with the interpretation of x ray findings, and the rare isolation of organisms from bronchial secretions are all factors that contribute to the difficulty in diagnosing pulmonary tuberculosis in children.
In this respect, the work …
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