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Success with hydrostatic reduction of intussusception in relation to duration of symptoms
  1. E D van den Ende1,
  2. J H Allema1,
  3. F W J Hazebroek2,
  4. P J Breslau1
  1. 1Red Cross and Juliana Children’s Hospital, The Hague, Netherlands
  2. 2Sophia Children’s Hospital, Rotterdam, Netherlands
  1. Correspondence to:
    Dr P J Breslau
    Department of Surgery, Red Cross and Juliana Children’s Hospital, Sportlaan 600, 2566 MJ The Hague, Netherlands;


Background: It is widely believed that hydrostatic reduction of intussusception is less successful in children with prolonged symptoms prior to presentation.

Aim: To prospectively evaluate success in relation to duration of symptoms.

Methods: Prospective study in which children, regardless of symptom duration, underwent an attempt at hydrostatic reduction.

Results: Of 113 children presenting with intussusception, 16 had peritonitis and required immediate laparotomy. A hydrostatic reduction was attempted in 97 and was successful in 77 (79%). There were 26 successful reductions with symptoms <12 hours (81%), 30 with symptoms for 12–24 hours (81%), and 21 with symptoms >24 hours (75%).

Conclusion: The success rate with hydrostatic reduction was not significantly influenced by symptom duration.

  • duration of symptoms
  • hydrostatic reduction
  • intussusception
  • recurrences

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  • Competing interests: none declared

  • Published Online First 21 June 2005