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The feasibility and acceptability of collecting oral fluid from healthy children for anti-HCV testing
  1. P Chatzipantazi1,
  2. K M Roy2,
  3. S O Cameron3,
  4. D Goldberg2,
  5. R Welbury4,
  6. J Bagg4
  1. 1Department of Public Health, University of Glasgow, UK
  2. 2Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health, Clifton House, Glasgow, UK
  3. 3West of Scotland, Regional Virus Laboratory, Glasgow, UK
  4. 4Glasgow Dental Hospital and School, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
    Dr K M Roy
    Blood Borne Viruses & STI Unit, Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health, Clifton House, Clifton Place, Glasgow G3 7LN, UK;


This pilot study investigated the feasibility of surveying, anonymously, HCV infection among healthy children using an oral fluid specimen. Seventy seven per cent of children provided their assent, or where appropriate, consent to participate; 2.8% were anti-HCV positive. Oral fluid collection is acceptable to children and more extensive studies are indicated.

  • ethics
  • consent
  • HCV infection
  • oral fluid

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