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Arch Dis Child 2001 Volume 85 No 3

August new broom

A bimonthly series starts in this month'sADC which, for an acronymous reason none of us can now recall, is entitled Archimedes (page 252). The aim is that in the time it takes to run a bath, readers are provided with the best evidence available to solve a clinical question. Bob Phillips, a paediatric specialist registrar (senior resident) edits the section, and we hope others in training will offer contributions to the series.

And now for some realArchives

It is not often that we receive a paper whose database represents individuals who stopped being paediatric patients more than 60 years ago (page 189). The question addressed is the controversial one of whether fetal undernutrition affects cognitive function, regardless of socioeconomic status. The authors have birthweight, gestational age and some sociodemographic data on nearly 1000 babies born in one Scottish hospital in 1921. They also have information on cognitive testing of nearly every Scottish child who was aged 11 in 1932. Comparing these groups have led the authors to conclude that birth weight explains 3.8% of the variance in intelligence …

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