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Retinal haemorrhage and fatal stroke in an infant with fibromuscular dysplasia
  1. A D M Currie,
  2. C R Bentley,
  3. P A Bloom
  1. Western Eye Hospital, London NW1 5YE, UK
  1. Dr A D M Currie, Department of Ophthalmology, Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham NG7 2UH, UKali.currie4{at}


Non-accidental injury should be suspected and excluded in any infant found to have intracranial and retinal haemorrhage of unknown aetiology. This can be a sensitive issue for both medical staff and parents. We present a case in which the underlying cause of intracranial and retinal haemorrhage was fibromuscular dysplasia. It was a diagnosis made only at postmortem examination and it illustrates the diagnostic difficulty such cases may present.

  • retinal haemorrhage
  • stroke
  • fibromuscular dysplasia
  • non-accidental injury

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