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Food entrapped in papilla of Vater: uncommon cause of vomiting
  1. D Falchetti,
  2. P Pedersini,
  3. W Rigamonti,
  4. P Salucci,
  5. G Caccia
  1. Chirurgia Pediatrica, Spedali Civili, P.le Spedali Civili, 25100 Brescia, Italy
  1. Dr Falchetti email: falchet{at}


CASE REPORT A 20 month old girl was admitted for intractable vomiting over several days, with no other symptoms. Family and personal history were not contributive. Clinical and neurological examination, and routine blood tests and investigations (plain abdominal x ray, upper gastrointestinal tract contrast study, abdominal ultrasonography) were normal. The upper gastrointestinal endoscopy showed a mild antral gastritis and the second portion of duodenum was occupied by a tough, fibrous mass partially embedded into the papilla of Vater. The foreign body was removed and proved to be vegetable fibre (pineapple). Symptoms subsided immediately and the child was discharged with gastroprotective therapy. After two months, on endoscopic examination, the signs of gastropathy had cleared; the papilla of Vater was undamaged, but unchomped food debris was again found in the duodenum.

DISCUSSION There are sporadic reports of foreign bodies retained into the papilla of Vater, all of them in adults. This child, though her papilla was tiny, had no jaundice or pancreatitis, unlike most of the reported cases. This is the first report of this finding in a child. The cause of the vomiting was not shown on abdominal ultrasonography or contrast study. It should be added to the list of unusual causes of vomiting.

  • vomiting
  • children
  • papilla of Vater
  • endoscopy

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