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Recommendations for the management of galactosaemia
  1. ANNE S GARDEN, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
  1. Alder Hey Children's Hospital
  2. Eaton Road, Liverpool L12 2AP, UK
    1. D C DAVIDSON, Consultant Paediatrician
    1. Alder Hey Children's Hospital
    2. Eaton Road, Liverpool L12 2AP, UK

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      Editor,—We were pleased to see the publication on behalf of the UK Steering Group “Recommendations for the management of galactosaemia”.1 In particular, we were pleased to see the emphasis on the management of adult women and the prevention of osteoporosis. We have, however, some concerns about the advice on the use of Loestrin 20 (an oral contraceptive preparation containing 20 μg ethinyl oestradiol and a progestogen) for long term oestrogen replacement.

      None of the combined oral …

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