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Examination of children who may have been sexually abused
  1. Department of Community Paediatrics
  2. Belmont House, Clarendon Wing
  3. Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds LS2 9NJ, UK

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    Editor,—We were surprised to read of the letter from Hodes et al justifying a second examination of three girls suspected of being sexually abused.1 The triplets were presumably prepubertal? Were the photographs taken by the first paediatrician inadequate, and if so, why? A clinical diagram complemented by good quality photography usually provides adequate documentation, especially for prepubertal girls. Although the girls were compliant and the doctors no doubt sensitive, children do not like being examined and three paediatricians, the girls' mother, and a nurse (recommended by the General Medical Council), and in some areas, a policewoman, suggests an overcrowded examination room.

    Colposcopy with integral …

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