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Ovarian function after bone marrow transplantation performed before menarche
  1. M Matsumotoa,
  2. O Shinoharaa,
  3. H Ishiguroa,
  4. T Shimizua,
  5. K Hattoria,
  6. M Ichikawaa,
  7. H Yabea,
  8. C Kubotaa,
  9. M Yabea,
  10. S Katob
  1. aDepartment of Pediatrics, Tokai University School of Medicine, Bohseidai, Isehara-shi, Kanagawa-ken 259–1193, Japan, bResearch Center for Genetic Engineering and Cell Transplantation, Tokai University School of Medicine
  1. Dr Shinohara. email: oshinoha{at}


AIM To examine the long term effect of bone marrow transplantation (BMT) on ovarian function in girls.

METHODS Eighteen girls who underwent BMT before menarche, had been disease free for more than six years, and were over 14 years of age at the time of study were investigated. The preparative regimen consisted of irradiation and chemotherapy. The occurrence of menarche and changes in basal serum follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) concentrations were studied.

RESULTS Twelve patients achieved menarche at a median age of 12.8 years. Age at transplant was significantly younger in patients who achieved menarche than in those who did not (mean (SD), 7.2 (0.5) v11.1 (1.7) years). Basal FSH began to rise to menopausal concentrations after 10 years of age, and the girls who did not experience menarche had a sustained rise in FSH concentrations. Among those with raised FSH concentrations, five girls experienced menarche while serum FSH values were decreasing and four achieved menarche while FSH remained raised.

CONCLUSIONS The high incidence of menarche suggests a favourable outcome of ovarian function in girls who undergo BMT at a young age.

  • bone marrow transplantation
  • gonadotropins
  • gonadal failure
  • menstruation

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