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Endocarditis as the first presentation of AIDS in infancy


A two month old Ugandan boy underwent surgery for an obstructive right ventricular vegetation associated with disseminatedStaphylococcus aureus infection. Both the child and his mother subsequently tested positive for HIV infection. Very little is know about the incidence of endocarditis in paediatric patients with AIDS. To our knowledge this is the first case reported of disseminated S aureus infection associated with endocarditis and an obstructing vegetation in an HIV positive infant with a structurally normal heart. The initial signs and symptoms for endocarditis were atypical, a reflection of the overwhelming infection in an immunocompromised patient. Severe infections may have an atypical presentation in immunosuppressed patients. AIDS needs to be considered in these patients, especially if they come from populations with endemic HIV infection.

  • AIDS
  • HIV
  • endocarditis

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