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Chronic bullous disease of childhood and a paecilomyces lung infection in chronic granulomatous disease
  1. J H Sillevis Smitta,
  2. J H W Leusenb,c,
  3. H G Stasb,
  4. A H Teeuwb,
  5. R S Weeningb,c
  1. aUniversity of Amsterdam, Netherlands: Department of Dermatology, bEmma Children’s Hospital, cCentral Laboratory of the Netherlands Red Cross Blood Transfusion Centre
  1. Dr Sillevis Smitt, Department of Dermatology, AO-228, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, Netherlands.


A 12 year old boy suffering from p67-phoxdeficient chronic granulomatous disease presented with a bullous skin disease and a lung infection with paecilomyces species. The histopathology of a bullous lesion showed subepidermal blister formation and microabcesses containing eosinophils in the dermal papillae. By direct immunofluorescence, linear staining of IgA at the dermal-epidermal junction was detected which confirmed the clinical diagnosis of chronic bullous disease of childhood (linear IgA dermatosis)

  • chronic granulomatous disease
  • chronic bullous disease
  • paecilomyces
  • p67-phox

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