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Heart-lung transplantation for patients under 10 with cystic fibrosis
  1. I M Balfour-Lynn,
  2. I Martin,
  3. B F Whitehead,
  4. P G Rees,
  5. M J Elliott,
  6. M R de Leval
  1. Transplant Unit, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust, Great Ormond Street, London WC1N 3JH
  1. Dr Balfour-Lynn.


The outcome of patients with cystic fibrosis aged under 10 years referred for heart-lung transplantation assessment (n=58) was determined and compared with older children (n=109). Similar proportions were placed on to the active waiting list (64%v 71%) and received transplants (35% v31%). Three year post-transplantation survival figures were also similar (41% v 46%), as were the figures for overall survival for those placed on to the active list (27% v29%). Paediatricians should not be deterred from referring younger patients for transplantation.

  • cystic fibrosis
  • heart-lung transplantation
  • younger children.

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