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Prostacyclin concentrations in haemolytic uraemic syndrome after acute shigellosis in children.
  1. A N Alam,
  2. N M Abdal,
  3. M A Wahed,
  4. B Rao,
  5. C A Kawser,
  6. M Hoque,
  7. M M Rahaman
  1. International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh.


    The role of prostacyclin in the pathogenesis of haemolytic uraemic syndrome was evaluated in 11 children with acute shigellosis. Plasma concentrations of 6-keto prostaglandin, F1 alpha, a stable metabolite of prostacyclin, were measured by radioimmunoassay during acute illness, early convalescence, and after clinical recovery. Its concentration was low during acute illness in each patient, returning to normal concentrations or above at the time of the last sample. These results suggest that plasma prostacyclin may be involved in the development of the syndrome.

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