Table of contents
November 1981 - Volume 56 - 11
Research Article
- Prophylaxis in bacterial meningitis. (1 November, 1981)
- Examinations in paediatrics. (1 November, 1981)
- Results of selective treatment of spina bifida cystica. (1 November, 1981)
- Behavioural effects of phenobarbitone and phenytoin in small children. (1 November, 1981)
- Deficiency of non-suppressible insulin-like activity in thalassaemia major. (1 November, 1981)
- New immunofluorescent blood test for gluten sensitivity. (1 November, 1981)
- Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase status and neonatal jaundice. (1 November, 1981)
- Percutaneous absorption of chlorhexidine in neonatal cord care. (1 November, 1981)
- Umbilical care and cord separation. (1 November, 1981)
Original articles
- Congenital hypothyroidism (1 November, 1981)
- Erratum (1 November, 1981)
Short reports
- Device for continuous urine collection in the newborn (1 November, 1981)
- Chromosome 15 in floppy infants (1 November, 1981)
- Apnoea monitoring at home. (1 November, 1981)
- Recurrent croup and allergy. (1 November, 1981)
- Transient tachypnoea of the newborn. (1 November, 1981)
- Women in paediatrics (1 November, 1981)
- Perinatal mortality (1 November, 1981)
- Dr Halliday and co-workers comment (1 November, 1981)
Book Review
- The Intersex Child (1 November, 1981)
- Pediatric Andrology (1 November, 1981)
- Pediatric Pharmacology. Therapeutic Principles in Practice (1 November, 1981)
Shorter Notice
- Encouraging Language Development (1 November, 1981)