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  1. M J Dillon,
  2. J V Leonard,
  3. J M Buckler,
  4. D Ogilvie,
  5. D Lillystone,
  6. J W Honour,
  7. C H Shackleton


    10 infants are described with pseudohypoaldosteronism, 5 in detail and a further 5 briefly. They all presented with hyperkalaemia, urinary salt-wasting disease, and ostensibly normal renal and adrenocortical function. Diagnosis was established by demonstrating the greatly increased values of plasma renin activity and plasma aldosterone concentration, plus the increased excretion of aldosterone and its metabolites on gas chromatographic and mass spectrometric analyses of urine. The children were treated with sodium chloride supplements, up to 60 mmol/day, but by the time most of the infants were about a year old these could be stopped. Exogenous mineralocorticoids were without effect in those to whom they were administered. The precise aetiology of the condition remains conjectural; lack of renal tubular response to aldosterone seems probable. Pseudohypoaldosteronism may be more common than has been thought and new techniques for investigating salt-wasting disorders may show its true incidence.

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