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Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections in children.
  1. D Stevens,
  2. P G Swift,
  3. P G Johnston,
  4. P J Kearney,
  5. B D Corner,
  6. D Burman


    Details are given of all serologically confirmed Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections in children referred to Bristol hospitals during an epidemic lasting 18 months. 44 children, many below school age, had lower respiratory infections. The majority had cough and malaise which had failed to respond to antibiotics given before referral. Chest x-rays showed no pathognomonic features: segmental or patchy consolidation was common; 3 cases of lobar consolidation. Cold agglutinins were raised in 9 out of 12 cases. In the majority of cases the total leucocyte count was normal and the absolute neutrophil count raised. Mean duration of symptoms was 4.2 weeks (range 1-16). Treatment with erythromycin or tetracycline appeared to have little effect in most cases. Seven nonrespiratory manifestations were seen in 6 children. These were meningitis (2 cases), Stevens-Johnson syndrome (4 cases, 1 case complicated by toxic epidermal necrolysis), and acute haemolytic anaemia (1 case).

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