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Comparative study of group A and group C meningococcal infection.
  1. L G Evans-Jones,
  2. H C Whittle,
  3. I I Onyewotu,
  4. L J Egler,
  5. B M Greenwood


    114 patients with meningococcal infection were studied; 72 had group C infection and 42 group A infection. 14 patients had acute meningococcaemia, all of whom had group C infection and 9 of whom died. Clinical and laboratory findings were similar in patients with meningitis due to a group A and C organisms, but arthritis and cutaneous vasculitis were more common in patients with group C infection. The overall mortality was 22% in patients with group C infection, and 12% in patients with group A infection, but was the same in both groups when cases of acute meningococcaemia are excluded.

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