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Respiratory function after repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
  1. L I Landau,
  2. P D Phelan,
  3. G L Gillam,
  4. E Coombs,
  5. H R Noblett


    Respiratory function studies were carried out in 22 infants who had successful repair of diaphragmatic herniae of the Bochdalek type. Thoracic gas volume was initially reduced in only 3 of these, but subsequent studies showed that improvement occurred. There were no consistent abnormalities in either dynamic compliance or mean pulmonary conductance. This is evidence that there is rapid adaptation which compensates for any alteration in the parenchymatous tissue in the lungs or abnormalities in the bronchial tree in infants soon after the repair of congenital diaphragmetic herniae. Further studies are necessary to determine the changes in these lungs with growth.

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