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Periventricular leucomalacia in neonates
  1. Dawna Armstrong,
  2. Margaret G. Norman

    Complications and sequelae*


    Periventricular leucomalacia was examined in a total of 28 infants. These foci of infarction were attributed to episodes of failure of perfusion due to hypotension in a border zone between ventriculofugal and ventriculopetal circulations. We describe haemorrhage occurring into these infarctions as a complication occurring in 7 infants. In 2 infants with a bleeding diathesis the haemorrhage was massive and fatal. Descending degeneration of the corticospinal tract was present as a sequel of a large area of periventricular leucomalacia in another case.

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    • * Presented in part at the Pediatric Pathology Club, Houston, Texas, 21 and 22 September 1973, and at the Canadian Association of Neuropathologists, Jasper, Alberta, 5 and 6 October 1973.