Table of contents
December 1970 - Volume 45 - 244
- Treatment of Primary Hyperoxaluria (1 December, 1970)
- Perinatal Thyroid Discharge (1 December, 1970)
- Hydroxyproline Excretion and Height Velocity in Adolescent Boys (1 December, 1970)
- Therapy of Bicarbonate-losing Renal Tubular Acidosis (1 December, 1970)
- Peak Expiratory Flow Rates in Children Under 5 Years of Age (1 December, 1970)
- Functional Intestinal Obstruction in the Neonate (1 December, 1970)
- The Scottish Paediatric Society (1 December, 1970)
Research Article
- Pulmonary metastases in Wilms' tumour: treatment and prognosis. (1 December, 1970)
- Sputum viscosity and pulmonary function in cystic fibrosis. (1 December, 1970)
- Temporary neonatal hyperglycaemia. (1 December, 1970)
- Cord serum IgG levels in "small-for-dates" babies. (1 December, 1970)
- Incomplete testicular feminization. (1 December, 1970)
- Primary endocardial fibroelastosis; a familial condition. (1 December, 1970)
- The value of blood phenytoin estimations in management of epilepsy. (1 December, 1970)
- Innocent murmurs presenting diagnostic difficulty. (1 December, 1970)
- Bladder aspiration in diagnosis of urinary tract infection. (1 December, 1970)
- Virus infection in the Blackburn area 1962-69. (1 December, 1970)
- The insensible loss of water of the newborn infant. (1 December, 1970)
- Investigation of endemic diarrhoea in the special care nursery. (1 December, 1970)
- In search of a cause of infantile autism. (1 December, 1970)
- Adipose cell size and number in obese children. (1 December, 1970)
- Precipitins to aqueous extracts of flour in coeliac disease. (1 December, 1970)
- Histidinaemia detected by newborn screening using Guthrie's method. (1 December, 1970)
British Paediatric Association
- Proceedings of the Forty-First Annual Meeting (1 December, 1970)
Scientific Sessions
- Regulation of Erythropoiesis by Stimulators and Inhibitors (1 December, 1970)
- Pulmonary Metastases in Wilms (1 December, 1970)
- Paediatric Implications of the Battered Child Syndrome (1 December, 1970)
- Therapeutic Trials in Wilms' Tumour (Nephroblastoma) and Neuroblastoma (1 December, 1970)
Book Review
- Children of West Indian Immigrants: A Study of One-year-Olds in Paddington (1 December, 1970)
- Disadvantaged Children. Health, Nutrition and School Failure (1 December, 1970)
- Recent Advances in Paediatric Surgery (1 December, 1970)
- Pediatric Surgery (1 December, 1970)
- Current Pediatric Therapy (1 December, 1970)
- Perinatal Medicine (1 December, 1970)
- Allergy in Children (1 December, 1970)