Table of contents
October 1964 - Volume 39 - 207
- Metaphysial Dysostosis, Type Schmid (1 October, 1964)
- Haemolytic Anaemia with Acute Renal Disease (1 October, 1964)
- Functional Faecal Incontinence in Children (1 October, 1964)
- Assisted Ventilation in Terminal Hyaline Membrane Disease (1 October, 1964)
- Subsequent Infection of Infants Born in a Maternity Hospital (1 October, 1964)
- Infant and Child Mortality in South Warwickshire, 1962-1963 (1 October, 1964)
- Intakes and Excretions of Iron, Copper, and Zinc in the Neonatal Period (1 October, 1964)
- Kerosene Poisoning in Children (1 October, 1964)
- The Intravenous Galactose Tolerance Test in Infancy (1 October, 1964)
- Neuro-cutaneous Melanosis (1 October, 1964)
- Intrapartum Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (1 October, 1964)
- Sibs with Cardiac Glycogenosis (1 October, 1964)
Book Review
- Advances in Pediatrics (1 October, 1964)
- Paediatric Aspects of Cerebral Palsy (1 October, 1964)
- Die Angeborenen Stoffwechselanomalien (1 October, 1964)
- Water and Electrolyte Metabolism II (1 October, 1964)
- Einführung in die Entwicklungsphysiologie des Kindes (1 October, 1964)
- The Lung and its Disorders in the Newborn Infant (1 October, 1964)
- The Nursing Care of Children (1 October, 1964)
- Congenital Malformations of the Rectum, Anus, and Genito-urinary tracts (1 October, 1964)
- Perinatal Mortality (1 October, 1964)
- Speech and Thought in Severe Subnormality. An Experimental Study (1 October, 1964)
- World Health and History (1 October, 1964)
- The Allergic Child (1 October, 1964)