Table of contents
August 1963 - Volume 38 - 200
- A Reversible Salt-wasting Syndrome of the Newborn and Infant (1 August, 1963)
- The Electrocardiogram During Exchange Transfusion (1 August, 1963)
- Typus Degenerativus Amstelodamensis (1 August, 1963)
- Mucopolysaccharidosis (1 August, 1963)
- Deafness in Children (1 August, 1963)
- A Genetic Study of Neonatal Obstructive Jaundice (1 August, 1963)
- Purulent Meningitis in the Neonatal Period (1 August, 1963)
- Hypo-Hyperparathyroidism (1 August, 1963)
- Idiopathic Arterial Calcification in Infancy (1 August, 1963)
- British Paediatric Association (1 August, 1963)
Book Review
- Synopsis of Pediatrics (1 August, 1963)
- Congenital Abnormalities in Infancy (1 August, 1963)
- Cardiologie de l'Enfant (1 August, 1963)
- Les Spoliations hydro-salines du Nourrisson et leur Traitement (1 August, 1963)
- Advances in Rheumatic Fever 1940-1961 (1 August, 1963)
- Advice to the Expectant Mother (1 August, 1963)