Table of contents
October 1960 - Volume 35 - 183
- Histological Changes in the Duodenal Mucosa in Coeliac Disease (1 October, 1960)
- High Protein Feeding in Kwashiorkor (1 October, 1960)
- The Nature of the Neonatal Pulmonary Hyaline Membrane (1 October, 1960)
- Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Infancy (1 October, 1960)
- Congenital Adenomatoid Malformation of Lung with Pneumothorax (1 October, 1960)
- The Fate of the Partial Thoracic Stomach (`Hiatus Hernia') in Children (1 October, 1960)
- Freeze-dried B.C.G (1 October, 1960)
- Intrauterine Blood Transfer between Uniovular Twins (1 October, 1960)
- Pseudohypoparathyroidism in Infancy (1 October, 1960)
- Subserosal Haematoma of the Ileum (1 October, 1960)
- A Case of Woolly Hair Naevus (1 October, 1960)
- Carotid Thrombosis in Childhood (1 October, 1960)
Book Review
- Pediatric Dermatology (1 October, 1960)
- Notes on Infant Feeding (1 October, 1960)
- Pathology of Infancy and Childhood (1 October, 1960)
- Child Development: An International Method Study (1 October, 1960)
- Kinderheilkunde: Diagnostik-Therapie, Prophylaxe (1 October, 1960)