Table of contents
April 1955 - Volume 30 - 150
- On the Prognosis of Cretinism (1 April, 1955)
- The Absorption of Short-chain Fats by Premature Infants (1 April, 1955)
- Congenital Pneumonia and Pneumonia in the Neonatal Period (1 April, 1955)
- Haemoglobin and Red Cells in the Human Foetus (1 April, 1955)
- Haemoglobin and Red Cells in the Human Foetus (1 April, 1955)
- Blood Formation in Infancy (1 April, 1955)
- The Use of Cobalt in Some Common Anaemias of Childhood (1 April, 1955)
- Circulating Basophilic Leucocyte Counts in the Newborn (1 April, 1955)
- The Amino-aciduria in Galactosaemia (1 April, 1955)
- A Study of the Genetics of Galactosaemia (1 April, 1955)
- A Familial Tubular Absorption Defect of Glucose and Amino-acids (1 April, 1955)
- A Case of Hypothyroidism with Nephrocalcinosis (1 April, 1955)
- Metastatic Tuberculous Abscesses (1 April, 1955)
- Bile Peritonitis in Infancy (1 April, 1955)
- Superficial Gangrene of the Skin in Chickenpox (1 April, 1955)
- Subacute and Chronic Intussusception in Infants and Children (1 April, 1955)
- Gangrene of the Extremities in Two African Infants (1 April, 1955)
- A Case of Fibroma of the Left Ventricle in a Child of 4 Years (1 April, 1955)
- Family Periodic Paralysis in a Mentally Defective Boy (1 April, 1955)
- Pellagra in an English Child (1 April, 1955)
Book Review
- L'accrescimento umano (1 April, 1955)
- Infant Feeding and Feeding Difficulties (1 April, 1955)
- Paediatrics for the Practitioner (1 April, 1955)
- Diseases of Infancy and Childhood (1 April, 1955)
- Modern Mothercraft: A Guide to Parents (1 April, 1955)
- Cystic Fibrosis of the Pancreas in Infants and Children (1 April, 1955)
- Manuel Pratique de Vaccination par le B.C.G (1 April, 1955)
- Pathologie Infantile (1 April, 1955)
- Cleft Palate and Speech (1 April, 1955)
- The Mentally Subnormal Child (1 April, 1955)
- Herzkrankheiten im Säuglingsalter (1 April, 1955)
- Practical Fluid Therapy in Pediatrics (1 April, 1955)
- Deutsche Nachkriegskinder (1 April, 1955)
- Elements of Pediatric Anesthesia (1 April, 1955)
- La Coqueluche (1 April, 1955)
- Les Méningo-Encéphalites Lymphocytaires chez L'Enfant (1 April, 1955)
- Atlas of Congenital Cardiac Disease (1 April, 1955)
- The Year Book of Pediatrics, 1954-55 (1 April, 1955)
- Growth and Development of Children (1 April, 1955)
- Genetica Medica (1 April, 1955)