Table of contents
March 1949 - Volume 24 - 117
- Malignant Disease in Infancy and Childhood (1 March, 1949)
- Bromsulphalein Excretion in the Newborn (1 March, 1949)
- Liver Function in Newborn Infants (1 March, 1949)
- Liver Damage in Gastro-Enteritis (1 March, 1949)
- Spina Bifida Cystica (1 March, 1949)
- Pulmonary Collapse in Pertussis (1 March, 1949)
- Epidemic Gastro-Enteritis of Infants in Aberdeen during 1947 (1 March, 1949)
- Roseola Infantum (1 March, 1949)
Case reports
- An Unusual Case of Acute Leukaemia (1 March, 1949)
- A Case of Pyosalpinx in a Newborn Infant (1 March, 1949)
- Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis (1 March, 1949)
- Progressive Myositis Ossificans: Report of a Case (1 March, 1949)
- Idiopathic Hypoparathyroidism (1 March, 1949)